On the Wings of Dragons

Posted 4 years ago
Terrie M. Scott

Category : Science Fiction & Fantasy

Price: $ 14.95

Book Purchase Link : https://www.amazon.com/Wings-Dragons-Terrie-M-Scott/dp/1652883118/ref=sr_1_1?crid=125HVFXH5OK89&dchild=1&keywords=on+the+wings+of+dragons&qid=1585709913&sprefix=on+the+wings%2Caps%2C280&sr=8-1

Website Link : www.otwod.com

Come ride a dragon in this thrilling new fantasy! Emily is mysteriously transported to a place known as Aquila, a world divided by a mist wall, one side in constant sunlight and the other in perpetual darkness. Unbeknownst to Emily, the necklace she wears, passed down from her grandmother, harnesses the power to stop the evil sorceress and the destruction of Aquila. With the use of seekers, shifters and black magic, the sorceress intends to bring down the mist wall, allowing the light to be consumed by darkness. Emily must find the courage to fulfill her destiny. She joins forces with Martin, a young doctor, who abandoned his days of being a knight long ago. Martin must face his own past and the hatred he feels towards his father. With Martin's assistance, Emily seeks out the Council of Dragons in hopes of defeating the evil sorceress and the ancient evil she intends to unleash. The two form an unbreakable bond that spans across time. On the Wings of Dragons is a tale of courage and sacrifice, a tale of betrayal, and a tale of forgiveness.  

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