Mistress Within

Posted 4 years ago
Sabrina Haynes

Category : Christian fiction based on some true events


Book Purchase Link : Mistress Within https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578428830/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WKvFEbVK4E9SN

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Karmah was attractive and had sex appeal like fire. She always felt she was untouchable; as if no hurt, harm or danger could come against her. She never forgot the things people said or did to her. And once the tables turned, Karmah was vicious and uncontrollable in many ways. Her mind constantly flipped and wandered. But is there more to her story than broken homes and shattered dreams? Follow the story of Karmah and uncover whether you may need to purge The Mistress Within.

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