100 Steps In Faith

Posted 4 years ago
[email protected]

Category : Christian Poetry

Price: $ 9.95

Book Purchase Link : https://www.amazon.com/100-Steps-Faith-Revised-2nd/dp/1698386540/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1S8LNIOO50OIC&keywords=tammy+varner+hornbeck&qid=1581797822&sprefix=Tammy+Varne%2Caps%2C261&sr=8-4

Website Link : https://www.facebook.com/tammy.hornbeck.56

Enhance Your Devotional Life With Christian Poetry!

This collection of Christian poetry originally released in 2008 was the first one hundred poems the author Tammy Varner Hornbeck wrote after she learned to live in her newfound faith. Journey with her as she grows in her faith-- each poem is a step of faith and the way God speaks through her.

Tammy believes that God loves His children so much that he will find a way to speak to them and that poetry was hers…perhaps it is yours too. She also strongly believes that Christian poetry is not a replacement for reading the Bible but should be used to enhance it.  And so, she encourages readers to use it as a tool to enhance their own devotional life and perhaps to pick up a pen and see if God wants to talk to them in the same way.

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